Internal Complaints Committee
As per the guidelines of Supreme Court, UGC, Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace(Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal Act, 2016), an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) on Sexual Harassment has been established by the college.
The Compositions of ICC on sexual harassment for this year is as follows
S.No | Name | Designation | Gender |
1 | Tmt. Jagatha S, HOD/English | Chair Person / Presiding Officer | Female |
2 | Tmt. Vidhya T, Lecturer | Member | Female |
3 | Selvi. Vimaladevi M, Lecturer | Member / Observer | Female |
4 | Dr. Nalini Senthilkumar, Gynaecologist, Sirushti Hospital, Namakkal | Member | Female |
5 |
Tmt. Sangeetha A, Constable, Musiri All Women Police Station, Musiri |
Member | Female |
6 | Mr. Ramachandran P, Instructor/EEE | Member | Male |
7 | Selvi. Archana S, II CIVIL | Member | Female |
8 | Selvi. Lavanya K, II CSE | Member | Female |
9 | Selvi Nithya C, III EEE | Member | Female |
The objective of this committee is to provide Protection against Sexual Harassment for women at work place and to maintain fundamental rights of women.
Right of women in equality
Right to live with Dignity & Decorum
Right to maintain safe cum Sexual harassment free environment thus protecting the human rights as per “INTERNAL COMPLAINTS GUIDELINES”.
Sexual Harassment includes unwelcome sexually determined behaviour (whether directly or by implication) such as:
- Physical Contact and advances;
- A demand or request for sexual favours;
- Sexually Coloured remarks;
- Showing Pornography;
- Any other Unwelcome Physical, Verbal or Non-Verbal conduct of Sexual Nature.
The Women Employee / student is also at her liberty to file a complaint for her grievance redressal which will be decided in time bound period and the name of the complainant will be kept confidential.
There after inquiry if the person is found to be guilty, he will be subjected to the specific offences as per the Indian Penal Code or under any other law and will be subjected to the disciplinary action as per the service rules.
Mechanism of ICC on Sexual Harassment
- The mechanism for registering complaints is safe, simple and easily accessible
- A complaint of discrimination or sexual harassment may be lodged by the victim.
- If the complainant wishes, she can be accompanied by her staff member or neighbour.
- All complaints made to any committee member must be received and recorded by the member, who shall then inform the chairperson about the complaint, who in turn shall call for a meeting of the committee.
- Within three days of the receipt of a complaint, the ICC on Sexual Harassment must determine whether a prima facie case of sexual harassment is made out. It shall carefully consider the complaint, may hear the complaint and the defendant and/or any other relevant person to determine whether an enquiry by the committee is to be instituted.If the committee considers it necessary to hear the defendant at the preliminary stage, it shall start the enquiry process.
- If the committee against sexual harassment decides not to conduct an enquiry into a complaint it shall record the reasons for the same in the minutes of the committee meeting. The committee shall make the same available to the complainant in writing.
- If the committee finds an employee of the Institute involved in sexual harassment of the complaint, then immediately it recommends disciplinary action in the form of dismissal and any other relevant mechanism
- If the committee finds a student of the Institute is involved in sexual harassment of the complainant, it can recommend disciplinary action in the form of suspension for a specific period of time or expulsion from the institution.